L'obiettivo è trasformare la silvicoltura in Sudafrica e oltre
I numeri parlano da soli: le talee di eucalipto trattate con la tecnologia OptiCept mostrano un aumento medio del tasso di radicazione di almeno il 77% per cliente!
OptiCept Technologies has entered an agreement with a world-leading forestry company in Brazil. Cuttings will now be boosted with nutrients using a unique vacuum impregnation technology called OptiBoost. The focus is on treating high-yielding cutting clones and maximizing their use in production.
The collaboration was initiated in early 2023 when the company evaluated the method on selected clones. The results achieved motivated the Brazilian company to enter a long-term partnership with OptiCept Technologies and for the implementation of the OptiBoost technology for cuttings.
The company is a multinational listed company with operations in over 40 countries that, among other things, manufactures stainless steel and special steel. The company is a world leader in the cultivation of different varieties of tropical tree cuttings. Among other things, the trees are grown to produce coal, which is used for steel production.
Today, they produce approx. 30–50 million Eucalyptus cuttings annually. The ambition is to transition from seed sowing to cuttings production and to plant 100 million Eucalyptus trees from cuttings annually. The focus is on treating high-yielding cutting clones and maximizing their use in production.
OptiBoost Vacuum Impregnation (VI) technology enhances the rooting and growth of eucalyptus and tropical clone cuttings, reducing propagation losses. The OptiBoost method offers a range of advantages to the forest industry, such as improved rooting quality, faster root formation, and increased nursery capacity.
Planting trees from cuttings poses various challenges, especially concerning successful rooting and overall survival rates. Forestry companies frequently encounter substantial losses, especially when dealing with the finest clone specimens.
OptiBoost introduces a critical quality enhancement, guaranteeing ideal conditions for the growth of new plants.
This distinctive vacuum infusion technology, in conjunction with custom-formulated solutions, guarantees that each individual cutting receives the optimal prerequisites for both survival and successful rooting.
Our patented system ensures that every single cutting is thoroughly enriched with essential nutrients.
Effectively addressing the cultivation challenges associated with cuttings, the OptiBoost method has demonstrated consistent, proven results across a variety of cutting types, especially Eucalyptus, but also Acacia e Corymbia.
The Brazilian company became OptiCept’s second commercial customer in a short time for the OptiBoost application for cuttings which was launched in 2022. A couple of weeks ago it was also announced that CMPC in Chile chose to start treating their clones with OptiBoost.
I numeri parlano da soli: le talee di eucalipto trattate con la tecnologia OptiCept mostrano un aumento medio del tasso di radicazione di almeno il 77% per cliente!
The OptiCept team is contionouosly developing the OptiBoost technology for cuttings to include more and more tree species. After first trials with Corymbia – we are thrilled to share some quite amazing results for these species as well
Ready to elevate your knowledge and embrace the future of forestry propagation? Download your copy of our white paper on Vacuum Impregnation Technology.
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OptiCept invents, designs, and manufactures smart, sustainable technologies to unleash the full potential of organic material.
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