Prolonging the Elegance of Cut Flowers: Exploring the Magic of Vacuum Infusion
How does Vacuum infusion work to prolong the vase life of cut flowers?
A.P.H is the leading importer of flowers in Sweden. In their facilities in Malmö they have an OptiBoost system installed and offer supermarkets, wholesalers, and florists boosted flowers. We made a visit to talk to their CEO, Adam Muhr, to understand what impact OptiBoost makes for their customers, check out the video below!
APH was founded in 1899 and is today Sweden’s leading flower importer. They import cut flowers and greenery from the world’s most important production areas.
They offer their customers (supermarkets, wholesalers, and florists) OptiBoosted flowers as an add-on service.
”The vase life is heavily increased. What we see in average it’s twice the time compared to normal vase life without OptiBoost. So it is only logical that you’ll see a reduction of waste.” says Mr. Adam Muhr , CEO of A.P.H.
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How does Vacuum infusion work to prolong the vase life of cut flowers?
TV host and multi-talented expert Karl-Fredrik demonstrates the art of enhancing roses with OptiBoost technology
En este video, APH, el principal importador de flores cortadas de Suecia, explica cómo usar OptiBoost® para aumentar las ventas, reducir los desechos y mejorar la experiencia de las flores cortadas para los consumidores.
OptiCept invents, designs, and manufactures smart, sustainable technologies to unleash the full potential of organic material.
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