Industrial evaluation of CEPT® for the production of avocado oil

El aceite de aguacate virgen extra prensado en frío se considera muy saludable y su consumo está aumentando considerablemente en muchas partes del mundo.

Tiene un alto contenido en grasas monoinsaturadas y vitamina E, y también favorece la absorción de carotenoides y otros nutrientes.

OptiCept initiates an industrial evaluation of oliveCEPT®  and applies Pulsed Electric Field treatment for the production of cold-pressed avocado oil at a production site in Durban, South Africa.

The evaluation takes place throughout the harvest season, from June until mid-November this year.

During the period, the unit’s efficiency in production is evaluated on the basis of the amount of extraction achieved and the quality of the end product.

“We look forward to a new customer relationship. The production of avocado oil is a natural application area for us, where our oliveCEPT® can create something completely unique.

We want to prove that we can improve the process by halving the processing time while increasing the quality and taste experience of the cold-pressed avocado oil, says Johan Möllerström, CEO of ArcAroma.”

The evaluation takes place throughout the harvest season, from June until mid-November this year.

During the period, the unit’s efficiency in production is evaluated on the basis of the amount of extraction achieved and the quality of the end product. 

La extracción de aceite de alta calidad de los aguacates maduros se basa en un proceso de extracción mecánica, que se asemeja en muchos aspectos a la extracción de aceite de oliva, con la excepción de los pasos adicionales para eliminar la cáscara y el corazón del aguacate.

Extra Virgin cold-pressed avocado oil is considered to be very healthy and its consumption is increasing considerably in many parts of the world. Therefore, most fresh avocado packaging plants are now equipped with extraction lines that produce avocado oil.

The market for avocado has seen an average annual growth rate of 5.6 percent.

By placing oliveCEPT® after the crusher but before malaxation, the goal is to reduce the malaxation time by up to 50 percent – while the cold-pressed avocado oil’s quality and taste are significantly improved.

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