Juice of the week
Thé vert

In the video series “juice of the week” we explore and learn how the CEPT technology affects various commodities.

In this video, we take a look at cold infused Green Tea!

Tea – After water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world. Most commonly its consumed hot – boiled water poured over the leaves. But in China and Asia, Green Tea is more than often consumed cold. A custom that now has spread worldwide. 
But cold-brew tea is not the same as brewing it hot and letting it cool. Brewing hot and brewing cold are quite different, both in the flavor and the health benefits.


As you might already know or perhaps learned in the last video on beetroots – Heat has a negative effect on health-beneficial substances.

Amongst the various types of tea, green tea contains the highest amount of native, bioactive antioxidants.

Additionally, cold-brew green tea is richer in health benefits than hot-brewed as heat scorches and partially or oxidizes the health-beneficial compounds.


Up to 5000 % productivity increase with CEPT®


Producing cold-brewed green tea takes time – it is steeped in cold or room temperature water for quite some time, from 6 to 24 hours.

But using pulsed electric field technology can reduce this time to 30 minutes….that’s right, merely 30 minutes! AND – still keep the levels of antioxidants and vitamins intact.


Sounds like magic?  Close perhaps – but scientific craftsmanship is a better description.



“What would reducing this extraction process from 6 to 24 hours to merely 30 minutes with all vitamins and nutrients intact, mean for a cold tea producer? “

In this week’s video, OptiCept’s very own Ivo Achu Nges, Ph.D. and Senior Bioprocess Engineer explains how the OptiCEPT® application for juice extraction improves the production of cold-brewed green tea.
Check out the video below!

“The phenolic content (antioxidants) in the CEPT® treated cold-brewed green tea is 650 mg per liter. And the infusion time is only 30 minutes. The main advantage of the pulsed electric field treatment is that we can produce tea at a very low temperature. Comparable to the cold-brewed tea, meaning the PEF treated tea can be labeled as cold-brewed tea as well.”

Hot vs. Cold Tea

Cold-brewed Green Tea

Green tea comes from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis. A plant found in Asia. 


Although a hot cup of tea has its time and place – if you’re looking for health benefits – cold-brewed green tea is the better source. 

Hotter brewing can scorch the tea, destroying any natural benefits as well as creating a bitter-tasting tea. 
Cold-brewed tea has been shown to have much higher amounts of bioactive antioxidants compared to hot-brewed. 
Cold-brewed tea treated with CEPT® technology has fewer tannins (less bitterness)  and caffeine but is higher in vitamin C.
Without adding any heat, no additives, just CEPT®
– you can have this impact on cold-brewed green tea. It sounds like magic but it’s scientific craftsmanship creating superfoods! 



Plus d'informations


Libérer le potentiel de l'extraction du jus d'écorce d'agrumes grâce à la technologie PEF

Traditionnellement, l’extraction du jus des écorces d’agrumes nécessite de fortes doses d’enzymes et des temps d’incubation prolongés pour décomposer la structure dure de l’écorce. Cependant, l’extraction assistée par PEF représente une avancée dans ce processus en réduisant le besoin de traitements enzymatiques et en accélérant l’ensemble du processus.

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