Meet OptiCept and FPS at Pack Expo 2024 in Chicago
Join us at Pack Expo 2024! OptiCept Technologies is thrilled to be a part of the event, showcasing our innovative PEF technology in Foodtech together with our partner FPS.
Achieving high juice yields while minimizing waste can be challenging when producing pineapple juice. Inefficient processing can result in juice loss within the pulp or waste materials
This post explores the benefits of treating pineapple juice with PEF and why it will be the go-to method for healthier and tastier juice production.
Pineapple juice is a popular beverage due to its refreshing taste and high nutritional value. It contains essential vitamins, enzymes like bromelain, and antioxidants that promote overall health.
However, traditional methods of processing juice are often inefficient, leaving substantial volumes untapped.
There are several challenges in pineapple processing, this applies to the entire value chain, whether you are producing juice, canned slices, or dried products.
You can read more about this in this post. However, in this post, we’ll focus on pineapple juice extraction.
Furthermore, traditional methods, like heat, compromise its nutrient profile and flavor.
Enter Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF)—a revolutionary non-thermal food processing technology that is gaining popularity in the beverage industry.
Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) is a non-thermal food preservation technique that applies short bursts of high voltage to liquid foods, such as juices, to increase extraction rates without compromising quality.
PEF uses electrical energy, which means there is minimal heat involved in the process. This helps maintain the juice’s natural nutrients, color, and flavor, making it an ideal solution for the beverage industry.
Increased Juice Yield
PEF enhances the extraction process. The electric pulses break down cell membranes, making it easier to extract more juice from the pineapple. This leads to a higher yield of juice from the same amount of raw fruit, which is a significant advantage for juice manufacturers. Increased yield translates to better efficiency and cost savings, which can be passed on to consumers.
Eco-Friendly Processing
Compared to traditional thermal methods, PEF is an energy-efficient process that requires less water and energy. The minimal use of heat also reduces the overall environmental impact of juice production. This makes PEF an environmentally friendly alternative for sustainable juice manufacturing. For consumers who are mindful of their carbon footprint, choosing PEF-treated pineapple juice supports a more sustainable production method.
Maintaining Quality
PEF is a non-thermal method, no heat is applied. Hence, heat-sensitive antioxidants and vitamins are not affected by the treatment.
In addition, applying PEF in the extraction of liquids from the stem and core of pineapples, where most of the valuable enzyme Bromelain can be found, has been shown to increase the extraction rates by up to 40 %.
The OPTICEPT® PEF system LJ7 for juice extraction is a state-of-the-art PEF system specifically designed for juice extraction and brings distinct advantages to this sector.
OptiCepts evaluations of the effect in pineapple have shown a 10-15% yield increase.
Consequently, this has led to Dole, applying the technology in their extraction process through industrial pilots.
OptiCepts PEF treatment significantly increases the juice yield in pineapple processing.
PEF technology is a win-win for both juice manufacturers and consumers.
For producers, PEF allows for a cleaner label (with fewer additives and preservatives) and higher juice yields, leading to better profit margins.
PEF-treated pineapple juice is processed using Pulsed Electric Fields, a non-thermal technology that preserves the juice’s nutrients, flavor, and enzymes without using heat or artificial preservatives.
When an electrical field is applied, electrical current flows into the pineapple cells and is transferred to each point in the liquid because of the charged molecules present. The electric pulses create temporary pores or holes in the cell membranes, consequently, allowing for increased mass transfer.
The OptiCEPT LJ7 PEF system is an added technological equipment that can be easily installed between a crusher and extraction equipment such as a decanter or a press. The treatment itself is done in micro to mill seconds.
PEF can inactivate harmful microorganisms and enzymes while preserving the juice’s vitamins, enzymes like bromelain, and natural flavor. It can extend the shelf life and enhance juice yield, resulting in a fresher, healthier product.
A system specifically designed for ESL is under development.
Yes, PEF-treated pineapple juice has the potential to retain more of its original nutrients, such as vitamin C, antioxidants, and bromelain, compared to traditionally heat-pasteurized juice, which often degrades these sensitive compounds.
No, in fact, PEF helps preserve the natural taste and aroma of pineapple juice by processing it at lower temperatures, ensuring a fresher and more flavorful juice.
Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) technology can revolutionize the pineapple juice industry by offering a very efficient and more eco-friendly processing method. For juice manufacturers, PEF provides an efficient way to increase yield, maintain quality, and reduce energy consumption.
Furthermore, OptiCept’s technology has the potential to transform every step of the value chain—from the moment pineapples are planted to when they reach your plate.
Read more about this here:
The prominent potential PEF in pineapple processing – from farm to fork >>
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Join us at Pack Expo 2024! OptiCept Technologies is thrilled to be a part of the event, showcasing our innovative PEF technology in Foodtech together with our partner FPS.
OptiCept’s technology has demonstrated significant advantages in the pineapple industry, both in terms of PEF technology (Pulsed Electric Field) and VI (Vacuum Impregnation). OptiCept’s platforms could be applied throughout the entire value chain, from plant to finished product.
The market for byproduct extraction in the food industry is experiencing a significant upward trend, driven by various factors aimed at enhancing sustainability, economic efficiency, and consumer demand. Here’s a comprehensive look at the future of this burgeoning market.
OptiCept invents, designs, and manufactures smart, sustainable technologies to unleash the full potential of organic material.
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