L'obiettivo è trasformare la silvicoltura in Sudafrica e oltre
I numeri parlano da soli: le talee di eucalipto trattate con la tecnologia OptiCept mostrano un aumento medio del tasso di radicazione di almeno il 77% per cliente!
Forward-leaning companies within the forest industry are discovering the OptiBoost technology to improve the cultivation of cuttings. Aperam in Brazil is starting a project regarding the treatment of Eucalyptus cuttings.
Tree plantations often have a positive impact on the local ecosystem and the preservation of the primeval forest. Tree plantations have a role to play when it comes to sustainable forestry.
The planted forest can be felled and used for timber or in the paper industry while preserving, for example, the Amazon rainforest.
What’s crucial then is that the propagation of trees is as efficient as possible, and that’s where the OptiBoost for cuttings technology makes a significant difference and impact.
Trees are propagated either by seeding or by cuttings. Many growers have the ambition to turn to cultivation through cuttings. The advantages are many, with cuttings you get a faster start to cultivation because it is already a small plant. Compared to seeds, cuttings, therefore, have a shorter growth period, which generally means that you can harvest faster.
Another big advantage is that you can develop better varieties because a plant propagated by cuttings becomes genetically the same as the mother plant, which is not possible with seed propagation. The challenge is survival and probably the reason why not a larger proportion of trees are grown from cuttings today.
The technology for growing by cuttings is constantly evolving and there are strong drivers to improve the process. OptiBoost for cuttings is one of those technologies enabling increased sustainability and efficiency in the forest industry.
The treatment of cuttings has a majority of positive effects, including strengthening the growth, robustness, and root system of cuttings, which improves the survival of transplanting and faster growth.
This has been shown not only for Eucalyptus but for Acacia e Corymbia as well.
Aperam BioEnergia LTDA is a global supplier of stainless, electrical, and specialty steel products. Aperam has customers in over 40 countries and is a leader in high-value specialty products.
The company produces charcoal from its FSC-certified eucalyptus forests in Brazil.
Aperam is a world leader in the cultivation of various varieties of tropical tree cuttings and produces approximately 30–50 million eucalyptus cuttings annually.
After another forest company based in Chile, Aperam is now the second company in South America to treat their Eucalyptus cuttings with the OptiBoost® technology.
Brazil is covered by 463 million hectares of forest, which is more than 50% of the area of the whole land area. 5.3 million hectares are dedicated solely to eucalyptus plants.
Brazilian pulp and paper production have a major market impact, being the 4th, respectively 9th, biggest producing countries in the world.
100% of the Brazilian pulp and paper production originates in planted eucalyptus and pine forests. Planted eucalyptus forests are to a minor extent also used for wood panels.
Furthermore, Brazil is the world leader in the use of charcoal for the steel industry. Aperams trees are, among other things, grown to produce coal, which is used for steel production.
Il OptiBoost® per talee application treats up to 400 cuttings in 30 seconds. The cuttings are placed inside the treatment chamber. In the first phase, pressure change causes the evacuation of air from the leaf air spaces.
The pressure parameters are carefully designed and controlled to achieve impregnation. In the second phase, pressure is gradually modified to allow the nano-based nutrient solution to enter the specific fraction of the tissue.
The cuttings are boosted with nutrients, ensuring an increased survival rate, as the growth, robustness, and root system of cuttings are strengthened.
Being a first mover brings a lot of advantages. Your business receives early access to an advantageous new product and technology. Get in touch now to discover how this could be beneficial to your company.
I numeri parlano da soli: le talee di eucalipto trattate con la tecnologia OptiCept mostrano un aumento medio del tasso di radicazione di almeno il 77% per cliente!
The OptiCept team is contionouosly developing the OptiBoost technology for cuttings to include more and more tree species. After first trials with Corymbia – we are thrilled to share some quite amazing results for these species as well
Ready to elevate your knowledge and embrace the future of forestry propagation? Download your copy of our white paper on Vacuum Impregnation Technology.
OptiCept invents, designs, and manufactures smart, sustainable technologies to unleash the full potential of organic material.
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