Aceites Canoliva: pionieri dell'eccellenza nell'olio d'oliva con le soluzioni PEF avanzate di OptiCept
Scopri come il produttore di olio d'oliva Aceites Canoliva trae vantaggio dalla tecnologia Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) di OptiCepts.
Learn more about how the production of EVOO where improved with OPTICEPT at the Italian producer Conti.
At Olio Conti in Vallo Della Lucania in Campania, Southeastern Italy, they’ve been producing olive oil since 1842(!). Emilio Conti, quality manager at Frantoio Conti talks about how the OPTICEPT® Pulsed Electric Field system affects their olive oil production, making olive oil with higher yield and better quality.
We have confirmed the results, a yield in oil from 4 to 6% more, a better quality of our oil extracted as it increases the color of the oil. So if we have a green it’s a more intense green, if we have a yellow we have a more intense yellow.
As Emilio Conti mentioned in the video – OPTICEPT® is very easy to use and easy to get started with, practically nothing has to be done. Just turn it on and activate it. He also mentioned that installation was not complicated and that the machine occupies very little space (800x1000x2000 mm).
In conclusion – Olio Conti has managed to achieve the following with OPTICEPT installed on their production line:
Scopri come il produttore di olio d'oliva Aceites Canoliva trae vantaggio dalla tecnologia Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) di OptiCepts.
La PEF consente ai produttori di olio d'oliva di estrarre più olio da ciascuna oliva trasformata. Come potresti chiedere? In questo post, daremo uno sguardo più da vicino a come la tecnologia del campo elettrico pulsato influisce sul processo di estrazione dell'olio d'oliva.
Scopri come il pluripremiato frantoio Moulin D'Olivette in Francia sfrutta l'uso di oliveCEPT
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