Unlocking the Full Potential of Passion Fruit Juice with PEF Technology

Passion fruit juice, known for its vibrant flavor and nutritional benefits, has captivated the hearts of many consumers worldwide. However, the extraction process can be challenging, often resulting in lower yields and compromised quality. Enter Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) technology—a revolutionary method that is transforming the way we extract juices. In this post, we’ll explore recent results achieved by OptiCept and how PEF technology can benefit the extraction of passion fruit juice, enhancing both its yield and quality.

The rising popularity of passion fruit extracts 

Passion fruit and its derived products are increasingly more popular, thanks to the adoption of passion fruit extracts in numerous novel applications in food & beverages as well as cosmetics industries. It is also used as an organic and natural solution for treating insomnia.


As mentioned,  the extraction process can be challenging, often resulting in lower yields and compromised quality. This is where OptCepts PEF technology for juice extraction can make a significant difference.

PEF - un metodo di estrazione del succo non termico

Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) technology involves applying short bursts of high-voltage electrical current to food products. This process creates temporary pores on the fruit pulp (tissue) cell membranes, a phenomenon known as electroporation. By increasing the permeability of the cell membranes, PEF facilitates the release of intracellular contents, making it easier to extract juice and other valuable compounds. Learn more in this post: What is PEF (Pulsed Electric Field)

Electroporation - PEF (pulsed electric field) applied to passion fruit juice
Every cell (membrane) contains +/- ions. By adding electric power between two electrodes, an electric field is created on the +charge which hence repels and pulls the + and – ions respectively. This, therefore, adds to increase membrane permeability or cell lysis.

Enhancing Yield and Efficiency - +7,5 % yield extraction with OptiCepts PEF technology

One of the primary advantages of Tecnologia PEF in the extraction of passion fruit juice is the significant increase in yield.


Traditional extraction methods can leave a substantial amount of juice trapped within the fruit’s cells. PEF technology, however, ensures that more juice is released from the fruit, leading to higher extraction efficiency.


This not only maximizes the use of raw materials but also contributes to more sustainable production practices. Recently, the OptiCept team conducted trials in their lab in Lund, Sweden, to confirm these effects.

Increased yield results of passion fruit juice with OptiCepts PEF technology
Increased yield results of passion fruit juice with OptiCepts PEF technology

Increased Brix value with PEF

Using OptiCepts patented method, the team accomplished an increase in the extraction of passion fruit juice by up to 7,5% as the traditional mechanical pressing only.


Furthermore, the Brix value (dissolved sugars) of the PEF-assisted passion juice extraction was significantly increased. A high Brix value indicates a good taste and quality of your product. The taste of your end products will be sweeter when the Brix value is high.


OptiCepts Senior process developer and PhD, Ivo Achu Nges, comments further:

“It is therefore plausible to state that the PEF-assisted extraction also led to the enhancement of other vital macro and micro-nutrients.”

Improving juice quality

PEF technology not only boosts the quantity of juice extracted but also enhances its quality. The gentle nature of PEF treatment helps preserve the nutritional and sensory attributes of passion fruit juice. Key benefits include:


  • Retention of Nutrients: PEF treatment helps maintain the levels of vitamins, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds in the juice, ensuring that consumers receive a product rich in nutrients.


  • Better Flavor and Aroma: By minimizing thermal damage, PEF technology preserves the natural flavors and aromas of passion fruit, resulting in a fresher and more appealing juice.


  • Energy and Cost Efficiency: Traditional juice extraction methods can be energy-intensive and costly. Tecnologia PEF, on the other hand, operates at lower temperatures and requires less energy. This reduction in energy consumption not only lowers operational costs but also aligns with sustainable production goals by reducing the carbon footprint of juice extraction processes.
Passion Fruit juice

Application of Pulsed Electric Field Beyond Extraction

The benefits of PEF technology extend beyond merely extracting juice. It can also be used to enhance other processes related to passion fruit, such as:


  • Improving the Efficiency of Puree Production: PEF can facilitate the breakdown of fruit pulp, making it easier to produce smooth purees with a high yield.


  • Enhancing the Extraction of Bioactive Compounds: PEF treatment can help extract valuable bioactive compounds from passion fruit, which can be used in functional foods and nutraceuticals.


  • Extended Shelf Life: Il electroporation process can also inactivate spoilage microorganisms, extending the shelf life of the juice without the need for excessive heat treatment or chemical preservatives.


One recent example is the results using OptiCepts PEF technology at the Italian research institute CREA. Where shelf-life of fresh blood orange juice was extended by 15-20 days using PEF, with quality improvements as well.


Treating passion fruit juice with PEF in OptiCepts lab, increased the yield by 7,5%, furthermore, it increased the Brix value significantly, making the juice sweeter and tastier.


Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) technology represents a game-changing innovation in the extraction of passion fruit juice. By increasing yield, improving quality, and reducing energy consumption, PEF offers a sustainable and efficient solution that benefits both producers and consumers. As the demand for high-quality, nutritious, and sustainably produced fruit juices continues to grow, embracing PEF technology could be the key to unlocking the full potential of passion fruit juice.


If you’re interested in exploring how PEF technology can revolutionize your juice extraction processes, contact OptiCept Technologies to learn more about our state-of-the-art PEF systems and how they can be tailored to meet your production needs.

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