Karl-Fredrik OptiBoosting cut-flowers
TV host and multi-talented expert Karl-Fredrik demonstrates the art of enhancing roses with OptiBoost technology
ICA Toppen in Höllviken, located in the southern part of Sweden, is one of Sweden’s most prominent grocery stores and supermarkets.
They are always at the forefront of fresh products and have a strong focus on customer satisfaction. In fact, in 2020, it was named store of the year by the independent Swedish organization “Fri Köpenskap”.
Naturally, they want to offer their customers an even better product. So in mid-April 2021, they decided to try OptiBoost treated cut roses.
OptiBoost is a technology and machine used to improve the freshness of flowers. The treatment is based on vacuum infusion. After the process, they are boosted with energy and natural ingredients which makes them stay fresh longer in the vase.
The results?
These effects lead to a chain of positive impacts for the entire supply chain in the flower industry. From transportation, and energy consumption to wastage – OptiBoost makes a significant positive impact, in the end – a more sustainable flower industry.
If you’re new to our technology it might be a bit overwhelming to start with looking at the huge global flower industry, so let’s have a closer look at the case of the retailer in ICA Toppen in Höllviken, Sweden to start with. What difference does it make for the individual retailer and consumer?
The cut flowers sold at ICA Toppen are treated at the wholesaler APH in Malmö. Before arriving at the store they are treated with the OptiBoost technology and machinery.
The flowers are placed in containers for about 45 seconds. Exposed to vacuum infusion and impregnated with a potion of energy-boosting ingredients (only containing 100% natural ingredients).
Now they are ready to be transported to the store. But in fact, the technology is quite flexible, the treatment can be done before or after stem cutting, before or after transportation, at the grower, after transportation upon arrival, at the wholesaler, or after dry storage. The basic system can manage up to 40,000 roses/h.
So, what impact did we achieve at the retailer ICA Toppen?
A better product clearly attracted the consumers and resulted in an increase in sales of 15%.
As the OptiBoost treatment increased the vase-life of the cut flowers less wastage was produced, in this case, reduced by 25%.
The improved quality of the flowers meant that the customers were willing to pay a higher price as well, this resulted in a gross profit increase by 50% compared to the same period of 2020. Owner of ICA Toppen, Jenz Bertilzon commented on the results as well:
“Of course, we’re happy with a better financial outcome, but the most important thing for us is to offer our customers a better product with longer durability. That we can also reduce wastage and thereby contribute to less strain on our planet is a bonus.”
We are very happy with the results at ICA Toppen in Höllviken. Prioritizing sustainability doesn’t have to be a cost, rather it is a great selling point that leads to higher customer satisfaction. Not only that, but with OptiBoost you cut costs in terms of waste… then we haven’t even mentioned the impact on transportation and energy savings yet. But we’ll get to that as well soon.
TV host and multi-talented expert Karl-Fredrik demonstrates the art of enhancing roses with OptiBoost technology
In questo video, il principale importatore svedese di fiori recisi, APH, spiega come utilizzare OptiBoost® per incrementare le vendite, ridurre gli sprechi e migliorare l'esperienza dei fiori recisi per i consumatori
Metodo OptiBoost: approfondimenti da Katarzyna Dymek Katarzyna "Kasia" Dymek è una delle grandi menti dietro il metodo OptiBoost per il trattamento di fiori recisi e talee.
New technology in the flower industry can bring many benefits, The Vacuum impregnation system OptiBoost is one such technology.
In 2019 OptiCept installed OptiBoost for cut flowers in their facilities in Malmö, Sweden.
After some months of trials, amazing results were achieved
OptiBoost ha stretto una partnership con One Flora Group nei Paesi Bassi. Nel 2023 verranno effettuati test commerciali con OptiBoost per il trattamento dei fiori recisi per i clienti finali dell'azienda. Inoltre, OptiBoost aprirà un centro di test con una stanza della vita in vaso adiacente alle strutture di One Flora Group ad Aalsmeer.
OptiCept invents, designs, and manufactures smart, sustainable technologies to unleash the full potential of organic material.
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