Acesur Sets New Standards in Olive Oil Industry Through PEF Technology

OptiCepts PEF technology for olive oil production continues to gain traction. Discover how world-leading olive oil producer Acesur, uses PEF technology to improve its operations.  

Acesur is present in more than 120 markets, thanks to the proven versatility of the brands that are integrated into the group. The award-winning company which is based in Spain, is recognized as a world leader and a benchmark for olive oil. 


We talked with Carlos Jiménez, Director of Operations at Acesur, to discuss the benefits of the OptiCept PEF equipment. 

Without a doubt, the integration of the OptiCept PEF system has not only helped us improve performance but also improved quality significantly.

Carlos Jiménez, Director of Operations, Acesur

Prior to OptiCept - What was Acesur’s experience with Pulsed Electric Field?

Our experience was entirely hands-on and practical. We had the opportunity to rent a piece of equipment, and we conducted tests during the 2023-24 campaign with a line at our oil mill in La Roda de Andalucía. The results were excellent. Says Carlos. 

What is your assessment of the OptiCept Pulsed Electric Field technology?

In the tests conducted with different olive varieties, the oil quality parameters were maintained by applying PEF during the paste preparation. This ensured all batches were classified as extra virgin. Moreover, the technology not only maintained the high-quality standards of our olive oils, but we also achieved an average improvement in oil extraction, more than enough to motivate the technology. 

The OptiCept technology not only maintained the high-quality standards of our olive oils, but we also achieved an average improvement in oil extraction

What other advantages have you obtained from applying Opticept technology in the oil mill?

In general, the application of PEF increased the total phenol content, with the highest values achieved with malaxation times of 15 or 30 minutes. 
Moreover, we observed that oils from the ‘Picual’ variety showed a higher concentration of pigments. In general, we noted that the application of electric pulses in the Picual variety maintained the intensity of fruitiness, while the bitterness was slightly reduced, and the spiciness remained unchanged. 

Could you tell us about how OptiCept has influenced the improvement of the quality and performance of olive oil in the last campaign?

Without a doubt, the incorporation of the OptiCept PEF system and the installation made by the team has not only helped us improve performance, but we have also managed to improve quality significantly. The improvement in the extraction of the mass in the first extraction and the improvement in the quality of the EVOO have been determining factors in opting for OptiCepts PEF equipment.

About the OptiCept PEF system for olive oil extraction

PEF (Pulsed Electric Field) system for olive oil
The OptiCept LO7 PEF system designed for olive oil extraction

The OptiCEPT® LO7 system enables increased EVOO extraction, improved efficiency, maximum performance, and superior olive oil quality.


The olive crusher “breaks” the cell membrane to release the oil. However, a significant amount of oil is still left inside the cell. PEF ensures that the most possible oil is released from each cell.


The integration of the OptiCEPT® PEF system is made in the initial stage of the process, right after the crusher, enabling more of the valuable oil locked inside the olives cells to be accessible for processing.


The olive paste is treated with pulsed electric field within milli to microseconds making the process very efficient without applying any heat.


The effectiveness of PEF treatment is determined by the combination of pulse parameters, including electric field strength, pulse duration, and frequency.

The OptiCept LO7 PEF system is optimized for olive oil extraction and stands out as a versatile and innovative alternative to conventional methods, particularly for its non-thermal, energy-efficient, and quality-preserving characteristics.

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