How long is a fresh juice really fresh?

The modern consumer demands not only a juice produced with sustainability in mind but also a healthy and fresh product.

How long is fresh juice really fresh? The modern consumer demands not only a juice produced with sustainability in mind but also a healthy and fresh product. Efforts to increase shelf life often mean compromising the quality of the juice. So how do you solve this dilemma? With OptiCepts Pulsed Electric Field system for extended shelf-life.

“Regardless of what method used to preserve nutrients in a juice, degradation of vitamin C will happen over time. “

Time is the enemy…

Regardless of what method is used to preserve nutrients in a juice, degradation of vitamin C will happen over time. After 3 weeks the concentration of C vitamins falls to 50% in different juices. So there is no point in having a shelf-life longer than 3 weeks if you’re looking to offer a high-quality juice.

Heat even more so…

Vitamin C breaks down (denatures) with increased temperature. The negative effect of heat increases significantly at 40°C and even more at a temperature above 76°C.
Treatment of juice with CEPT® technology – will keep the temperature below 40°C, and still, achieve food safety, keeping the nutrient content, the natural freshness & shelf-life of 21 days.

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Libérer le potentiel de l'extraction du jus d'écorce d'agrumes grâce à la technologie PEF

Traditionnellement, l’extraction du jus des écorces d’agrumes nécessite de fortes doses d’enzymes et des temps d’incubation prolongés pour décomposer la structure dure de l’écorce. Cependant, l’extraction assistée par PEF représente une avancée dans ce processus en réduisant le besoin de traitements enzymatiques et en accélérant l’ensemble du processus.

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