Celery juice - a true green superhero

There are many health benefits to eating and drinking celery. Celery has quickly become one of the most popular vegetables to use for smoothies or juices. Why is that?

Below we will list some of these reasons:

Celery – what a vegetable!


Celery has a long history. Whether it comes from the Mediterranean, Switzerland, 4000 B.C. or from ancient China, we can jointly agree that celery has been a watershed for a long time. As loved as hated, despite strong opinions, celery has found its way back in raw form in today’s food culture. 


There are many health benefits of eating and drinking celery. Below we will list some of them: 


Celery is a vegetable that also contains low levels of sugar for the vegetable family. This is of course positive for reducing sugar even if they are fructose and can have a positive effect on blood sugar, weight, stress, and energy levels. 


Celery contains lots of phytonutrients. These can have an anti-inflationary effect. So if you exercise a lot, they help for instance with sore muscles or other inflation the body may have. 

Celery contains large amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants have many areas where they improve wetness and well-being. Some of these areas are heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and – according to some – cancer. They also provide a stronger and more radiant effect on the skin. 


Celery also contains a lot of fiber. Fiber is something that we generally get too little of in today’s diet. Fiber helps to have a good intestinal flea and digestion which in turn boosts the immune system. The important thing then is that you do not strain your juices but bring the meat. However, high fiber intakes are in for everyone so if you want to avoid them then you can drink celery juice. 


Vitamins are very abundant in celery juice, especially A, C, and K. 


Celery juice might also contribute to stabilizing blood pressure, both via fluid balance, but also via sodium and potassium. As mentioned above it also has anti-inflammatory effects, which are good for the skin and stomach.  If you like to exercise, it is perfect to drink celery juice after exercise to restore electrolyte balance.  

To summarise the super juice of celery, here are some points it is said to benefit:


  • Lets your liver regenerate healthy liver cells. 


  • Contains important salt groups that have the ability to extract toxins and heavy metals from the brain. 


  • Contains important salt groups that cleanse the brain’s neurotransmitters and thus increase the signal strength between them. 


  • Restores the stomach acid balance which should lead to more efficient digestion and increased nutrient uptake. 


  • Replaces lost electrolytes and balances the body’s sodium/potassium levels. Potassium ions inside our cells, together with sodium ions, maintain the fluid balance in our body. 


  • Cleanses your liver of toxins and heavy metals. 

“Celery contains large amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants have many areas where they improve wetness and well-being. Some of these areas are heart disease, diabetes, obesity and – according to some – cancer. They also provide a stronger and radiant effect on the skin”

Benefits of PEF in juice production 

Global distribution often means challenges when it comes to shelf-life. Extending shelf-life often means pasteurization – giving the juice a longer life span but also destroying much of its rich content. The antioxidants and vitamins are degraded during processing and pasteurization.


Treating juice with OptiCEPT® shows outstanding results.  The technology has proven very effective for the treatment of juices. The OptiCEPT® PEF system for juice deploys technology that improves the yield and the quality of extracted juice from fruits, berries, and vegetables.


The treatment is continuous and easy to retrofit into existing juice extraction lines. 

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