Ulf Hagman
Chairman of the board
Born 1963, chairman since 2021
Education: Agricultural and business economics
Other assignments: Chairman of the board of Hajelo AB and Top Marketing Group TMG AB. Board member of Hajelo Fastigheter AB and Hajelo Invest AB. Board member and CEO of Tsirolforue Intressenter AB.
Previous positions (last five years): CEO of OptiCept Technologies AB. Chairman of the board of CodeUnit Solutions International AB, TopVisible AB, and RankTrail AB. Board member EuroFlorist Sverige AB, Euroflorist Aktiebolag, and EuroFlorist Holding AB.
Holdings in the Company (including related parties): Show holdings
Ulf Hagman is dependent in relation to the company and independent in relation to the company’s major owners.

Michael Kester
Board member
Born 1955, board member since 2021.
Education: B.sc. in horticulture at the Rijks Hogere Tuinbouw School Utrecht and Post Doc in board procedures at the Erasmus Governance Institute.
Other assignments: : Chairman of the board of HZPC, Board member of Jensen Seeds A/S. Member of the advisory board in Sjaak van Schie BV and Microflor (MF Hold BV).
Previous positions (last five years): Board member of ABZ Seeds BV. Global Head BU Flower Seeds at Syngenta AG.
Holdings in the Company (including related parties): Show holdings
Michael Kester is independent in relation to the company and major owners.