Board & Management

Board - OptiCept Technologies

The Board is the company’s highest administrative body nominated during the Annual General Meeting. OptiCept’s board work is governed by applicable laws and recommendations, as well as by the board’s rules of procedure, which are established annually. The rules of procedure contain, among other things, rules for the division of work between the Board and the CEO, financial reporting and auditing issues.

The instructions for the CEO regulate customary areas such as his commitments to the company and the board, including responsibility for and tasks concerning ongoing delivery to the board of appropriate reports that are relevant to the fulfillment of the board’s assessment task concerning the company. The CEO shall ensure that ongoing planning, including business plans and budgets, are prepared and submitted to the Board for the Board’s decisions.

The instructions for the CEO regulate customary areas such as his obligations to the company and the board, including responsibility for and information regarding ongoing delivery to the board of appropriate reports that are relevant to the fulfillment of the board’s assessment task regarding the company. The CEO shall ensure that ongoing planning, including business plans and budgets, is prepared and submitted to the Board for the Board’s decisions.

Ulf Hagman - OptiCept Technologies

Ulf Hagman

Chairman of the board

Born 1963, chairman since 2021

Education: Agricultural and business economics

Other assignments: Chairman of the board of Hajelo AB and Top Marketing Group TMG AB. Board member of Hajelo Fastigheter AB and Hajelo Invest AB. Board member and CEO of Tsirolforue Intressenter AB.

Previous positions (last five years): CEO of OptiCept Technologies AB. Chairman of the board of CodeUnit Solutions International AB, TopVisible AB, and RankTrail AB. Board member EuroFlorist Sverige AB, Euroflorist Aktiebolag, and EuroFlorist Holding AB.

Holdings in the Company (including related parties): Show holdings

Ulf Hagman is dependent in relation to the company and independent in relation to the company’s major owners.

Michael Kester, OptiCept Technologies

Michael Kester

Board member

Born 1955, board member since 2021.

Education: in horticulture at the Rijks Hogere Tuinbouw School Utrecht and Post Doc in board procedures at the Erasmus Governance Institute.

Other assignments: : Chairman of the board of HZPC, Board member of Jensen Seeds A/S. Member of the advisory board in Sjaak van Schie BV and Microflor (MF Hold BV).

Previous positions (last five years): Board member of ABZ Seeds BV. Global Head BU Flower Seeds at Syngenta AG.

Holdings in the Company (including related parties): Show holdings

Michael Kester is independent in relation to the company and major owners.

Eda Demir Westman, Board member, OptiCept

Eda Demir Westman

Board member

Born 1985, board member since 2024.

Education: Msc Food Technology, Engineering & Nutrition at Lund University

Other assignments: Innovation Resource Director, Oatly AB, PhD Student, Food Technology, Engineering & Nutrition at Lund University

Previous positions (last five years): Innovation Support Manager, Oatly AB, VP & CDO, OptiCept Technologies AB.

Holdings in the Company (including related parties): Show holdings

Eda Demir Westman is independent in relation to the company and its major owners.

Nicklas Margård, Board member, OptiCept

Nicklas Margård

Board member

Born in 1969, a board member since 2024.

Education:  Msc Business Administration at Lund University, Visiting scholar MBA programme at Concordia University, Montreal.

Other assignments:  Chairman at Corrventa AB and Board member at Beneli AB.

Previous positions (last five years):  Head of Business Area Industry, Volati AB, CEO of Tornum Group, Chairman of St Eriks AB, Chairman of Ettiketto Group, Chairman of Scanmast & Mafi AB, Board member at Micvac AB

Holdings in the Company (including related parties): Show holdings

Nicklas Margård is independent in relation to the company and its major owners.

Kees Jansen van Rosendaal

Board member

Born in 1963, a board member since 2024.

Education:  B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering at the Hogeschool Zeeland Vlissingen, B.Sc. in Food Science and Technology at the Hogeschool Delft, Business Administration at the Hogeschool Amsterdam.

Other assignments:  VP Strategic Partnerships at Food Process Solutions Corp., Director of New Product Development at Food Process Solutions Corp., Managing Director Food Process Solutions Europe BV, and Faction Support at Waterschap Scheldestromen Middelburg.

Previous positions (last five years): Director of Project Management at Food Process Solutions Corp. (CDN).

Holdings in the Company (including related parties): Show holdings


Carlos Fernandez, Board member, OptiCept

Carlos Fernandez

Board member

Born in 1970, a board member since 2024.

Education:  B.Sc. Economics & Business, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Law Certificate, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Advanced Industrial Marketing Strategy Course, INSEAD, Executive Board member of the FPME Association, Leadership Development Training, CCL, Strategy and Finance Course, Harvard University, Global Market Management Course, Wharton University.

Other assignments:  Chairman and CEO of Villa Food, board member and head of Strategy of Persiskin, Vice President, Corporate Access Area of Classis Capital, Sustainability Independent Advisor, JBT Corporation.

Previous positions (last five years):  Executive Vice President, JBT Corporation, President, Diversified Food & Health.

Holdings in the Company (including related parties): Show holdings

Carlos Fernandez is independent in relation to the company and its major owners.