Beetroot - The superstar vegetable

The superstar juice, what does beetroot really contain, and is it as good as we are set out to believe?

Almost to good to be true

This modern giant, despite its humble reddish-brown-gray shell and earthy exterior, has a world of usefulness and life in it. Drinking beet juice is a trend in the right direction. Above all, they are all incredible health benefits that are in focus. Below we list some of the benefits that beet juice is claimed to have. 

Cholesterol-lowering effect. They say that beets should lower the number of cholesterol and triglycerides and increase the number of good cholesterol “HDL” 

Beetroot juice can help lower blood pressure. According to research, if you drink 250 milliliters daily, they can contribute to improvements in blood pressure levels. 

Increased endurance. It has become more common in training circles and especially during longer fitness sessions that athletes drink juice before. Significant improvements in oxygen uptake have been seen in professional practitioners. 

Lots of nutrients such as calcium, electrolytes, and vitamin B. help to reduce muscle contractions and contribute to normal muscle functions. They are relatively common with low calcium levels as in adults. It can lead to, among other things, fatigue, weakness, and cramps. 

Lots of minerals! 

  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Sodium
  • zinc
  • copper
  • selenium
  • Iron


In addition to the above-mentioned horse benefits, it is also discussed that shrimp juice should be able to help the liver, osteoporosis, weight control, dementia, and the heart. So there is no reason NOT to drink rye juice! 

Cancer prevention: Betalains (free radical scavengers) in beet juice have chemo-preventive abilities against some cancer cell lines. 

Moreover: Beet juice is straight-up low calories-zero fat, nutrient boost, and an energy-packed drink 

How much beetroot juice should you drink? 

Depending on the reason why you drank beet juice, your intake may vary. If, for example, they reduce blood pressure, a smaller amount may suffice. But if, for example, you want to reduce muscle contractions or for any other sport, you may need the intake to be up to half a liter about 2-3 hours before training. This is to get the most out of super juice. 

But whatever your daily intake may be, don’t miss out on all the great benefits beetroot juice can have for you. 


Increased endurance. It has become more common in training circles and especially during longer fitness sessions that athletes drink juice before. Significant improvements in oxygen uptake have been seen in professional practitioners. 

juiceCEPT+® benefits and Opticept Technology 

Global distribution often means challenges when it comes to shelf-life. Extending shelf-life often means pasteurization – giving the juice a longer life span but also destroying much of its rich content. The antioxidants and vitamins are degraded during processing and pasteurization. Treating juice with juiceCEPT® shows outstanding resultsCEPT® is a patented technology developed by the Swedish company OptiCept Technologies. CEPT® stands for Closed Environment Pulsed Electric Field Treatment. It is a method developed to process biomass such as food and other products. CEPT® is a sustainable and eco-friendly method since it reduces organic waste, extends shelf-life and enhances and preserves the quality of the product in question. The technology has proven very effective for the treatment of juices.

The juiceCEPT® deploys a technology for juice production that improves the yield and the quality of an extracted juice from fruits, berries and vegetables. The treatment is continuous and easy to retrofit into existing juices’ extraction lines. 


How the juiceCEPT® technology works

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